Aims of the International Schumpeter Society
The International Joseph Alois Schumpeter Society has at its aim the scientific study of the problems of development, primarly in advanced economies. Following the ideas of Schumpeter it conceives of development as the combination of growth and structural change broadly defined. It intends, therefore, to concentrate on the dynamics of structural change, its origins and effects in all its aspects: the role of the dynamic entrepreneur, income distribution, technical change, employment etc. It also considers political and social problems of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial history. The ISS sees as its primary aim the fostering of knowledge. While it has no objection to being useful for economic policy research, it wishes to avoid an a priori commitment to any particular political point of view and is, therefore, open to research by scholars of all scholarly traditions provided it is scientifically sound and non-ideological as defined by Schumpeter: that it respects facts as they are and behave and not as one wishes them to be or behave.
The ISS carries out its aims in the following manner: It organizes and helps finance international symposia on topics within the general purview of its aims. It is interested in the completion of the publication of Schumpeter's writings and of furthering Schumpeterian studies. It helps to finance the publication of the results of the research in conference proceedings. It publishes the results of the research in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics. It awards prizes in recognition of recent scholarly contributions related to Schumpeter.